Europe Day
To celebrate Europe Day on 7 May, our students met French students from the Lycée du Haut-Barre in Saverne/Alsace and German students from the Lycée Robert Schuman/Saarland in Saarlouis for the second stage of the Louise Weiss Study Days as part of the project "Europe, the miracle of peace". The celebration of European values is an important way of fostering unity and diversity in the Greater Region and beyond.
After a very warm welcome by the Mayor of Saarlouis, Mr Peter Demmer, and his team in the Council Chamber, the students were able to take part in a guided tour of the fortified town of Saarlouis, built in 1680 by Sébastien le Prêtre de Vauban.
In the afternoon, our large tri-national delegation visited the European Monument in Berus, near Saarlouis, for an official ceremony with the local authorities, an event dedicated to Louise Weiss and her political work. We planted a yellow rose in the rose garden of the European Monument in memory of the luminous and inspiring personality of this great European.
Indeed, Louise Weiss remains a source of inspiration for Europeans, her commitment to the cause of European unity and her passion for democratic ideals still resonate today. Her legacy is of the utmost importance to all of us, as it reminds us of the fundamental values on which the European Union is founded. Celebrating European values is an important way of promoting unity and diversity in the Greater Region and beyond. European values such as democracy, human rights, solidarity and cultural diversity are essential foundations of European integration. Our common values are the same as Louise Weiss's, and her commitment to the cause of European unity and her passion for democratic ideals still resonate today.By coming together to celebrate these values, pupils help to strengthen the sense of belonging to Europe and promote these values among the younger generation. This is a great way to remind people of the importance of joining forces and working together in an increasingly interconnected world. In an ever-changing world with numerous and complex challenges, it is crucial to recognise the importance of unity and solidarity between European nations.
We should never forget that each of us has the ability to make a difference, be it through our daily actions, our participation in European projects or our civic engagement.
Together, we can help build a more inclusive, cohesive and prosperous Europe for future generations.
Many thanks to all the organising teams in Germany and to the Robert-Schuman-Gymnasium in Saarlouis, to Mrs Elfriede Klein from the association ‘Frieden lernen-Frieden schaffen’ in Dillingen/Saarland.