Classical secondary education (ESC)

"Classical secondary education is a general education lasting 7 years. It aims to impart general knowledge in the fields of humanities and literature, mathematics and natural sciences. It prepares students for higher education and university studies and is sanctioned by the classical secondary school leaving certificate.

From the 6th grade onwards, pupils can choose between English, Latin (...). From 5th grade onwards, all pupils also take English." (MENJE)

From 2024-2025, we will only offer 4C and 5C in the classical branch of the national school.

ESC pupils can switch to an S4 (european school system) in the LLIS after their 5C in order to take the European Baccalaureate later on. 

The European Baccalaureate is equivalent to the Luxembourg "Première" (Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques) in this country and is known and recognised throughout Europe. This baccalaureate also opens up access to all universities and colleges beyond the European borders.


In order to further harmonise our school offer and to meet the growing need for support, we have made some adjustments to the timetable in the lower classes (7e-5e & S1-S3).

In addition to the subject lessons stipulated by the official curriculum, BEST*,tutorial and orientation lessons will continue to be offered in the lower classes of ESC and ESG. A tutorial lesson is introduced in the lower classes of ESE.

Consequently, 34 regular lessons per week will be offered in all lower classes.

The upper classes have lessons according to "horaires et programmes".

In addition, we offer students numerous extracurricular activities in various fields

* BEST (= BEtreungsSTunde): 2-3 BEST lessons per week (depending on the class grade).

BESTs allow the student to either

  • complete their homework (under supervision),
  • to receive specific help with homework from a subject teacher, or
  • to receive support.

School offer 2025 - 2026


School offer

  • ESC
  • ESE
  • ESG
  • FP
  • EPE